专利名称:MOUNTING APPARATUS发明人:Franklin, Lee Christopher申请号:EP15818794.8申请日:20150708公开号:EP3166447A1公开日:20170517
摘要:A mounting apparatus and system and method for making the same areprovided. The mounting apparatus allows an object to be mounted to a mounting surfacevia magnetic attractions between different planes of engagement. Through the
movement of planes of magnets, an object that is brought in proximity to the mountingapparatus may engage one of the magnetic planes and then be moved further to engagethe other magnetic plane, with the combined magnetic force being configured to supportthe particular object for which the mounting apparatus is designed. The engagementand/or disengagement of the object from the mounting apparatus can thus occur instages, by degrees, and/or in a tiered manner.
申请人:Franklin, Lee Christopher
地址:115 Ashley Circle Asheville, North Carolina 28805 US
代理机构:Carter, Stephen John