

2021-03-19 来源:星星旅游

英语口语期末考试Oral English final exam 盛楠

非诚勿扰VCR版 男嘉宾出场镜头

环节一:我就是我I am I


hello everybody I am the sunshine of handsome li Very happy to boarded the long-awaited stage Welcome everyone to know me

环节二:我的个性My personality

短片一:不走寻常路 走路边最窄的那道坎子镜头二

Don't walk unusual way

短片二:爱运动 跑步嫌累,投篮不进,踢球不进,拉杠不起,俯卧撑不会镜头三四五

Love sports Running too tired Missed a shot Playing football not into the Can pull its Push-ups won't

环节三:朋友推荐The recommendation of a friend 室友的出场环节,每人一到两句简短的发言 用来推荐主力 短片三:

1. 我的朋友是一个标准的宅男(李鹏) 镜头六

My friend is a standard home guy

2. 他做事非常认真努力 (庄宇)镜头七

He works very hard efforts

3. 他对待感情相当专一,可以为你做很多事情 *(尹亚波)镜头八

He treated feelings quite specificity, you can do for a lot of things

4. 他在生活中一直是我们的好朋友,好哥们儿(李靖旺)镜头九

He has been in the life of our good friends, good buddy

5. 他很强壮


He is very strong

6. 他最喜欢的食物是巧克力 (刘佳兴)镜头十一

His favorite food is chocolate

7. 我们都在期待着他能够带回一个大嫂哦 (文秋亚)镜头十二

We are all looking forward to he can bring back a mouse, oh

环节四:期待爱情Looking forward to love(王士斌)镜头十三

主力高举不挂科Don't hang families的大牌,含笑离场(喜剧效果)


Today, although there is no hand success of my heart, girl, but think of my English not hanged division, I think that was worth the trip!

拜拜!Bye bye!
