

2020-06-18 来源:星星旅游
英语 讲(三) 、汗水和眼泪 that this should be conceived on(建立在)the broadest 留 温斯顿・丘吉尔(Winston Churchil1)出生于英国 一possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important 个贵族家庭,毕业于英国皇家军事学院。除了拥有 part of this task.A war cabinet(战时内阁)has been formed of five members,representing the unity of the nation. 出色的军事才能外,他还是杰出的政治家、画家 演 说家、作家以及记者。他曾两度出任英国首相,被认 为是20世纪英国最重要的政治领袖之一。1953年他 I c0nsidered it in the oublic interest to sw,zest 凭借作品《第二次世界大战回忆录》获得诺贝尔文学 奖,曾被美国杂志《展示》列为近百年来最具说服力 的八大演说家之一。 t0 the Soeaker that the House should be summoned toda ̄ I now invite the House by a resoluti0n(决议)to 本篇演讲是丘吉尔就任英国首相时面向国会议 record its approval(批准)0f the steps taken and 员的施政演讲(略有删减)。题目是:热血、汗水和眼 苦难的考验,他将不惜一切带领英国人民战胜德国 侵略者,夺取二战的胜利。 ■; declare its confidence in the new government.The 泪。他在演讲中向国会表明:面临旷日持久的战争和 resolution(决议如下): …I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government,I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears arid sweat.。We have 德群簪 . before US an ordeal(考验)of the most grievous(严 酷的)kind.We have before US many,many months Of struggle and suffering. 0n last Friday evening I・received from His Maiestv the mission to form a new administration. It was the will of Parliament(国会)and the nation YOU ask,what is our policy.'? il 45电 轴I walt"by land.sea and air to claim the aid of all and to say,“Come then,let You ask.what is our aim?I can answer in US go forward together with our united strength.”在 one word.It is victory.Victory at all costs——victory in spite of all terrors—victory.however long and 这危急关头,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要 说:“来吧,让我们群策群力,并肩前进!” 句中claim ̄动词,意为“要求或索要(某物)”。如: After the car accident,she went to claim the hard the road may be,for without victory there is no surviva1. Let that be realized.No survival for the British insurance. Empire,no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for,no survival for the urge,the impulse |∥文稻逢J祝 of the ages,that mankind shall move forward toward 本世纪初,美国杂志《展示》列举了近百年来世 his goa1. 界八大最具有说服力的演说家,他们是: I take up my task in buoyancy(-I ̄折不挠)and 1.马丁・路德・金(1929~1968):美国黑人牧师兼 hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered 民权运动领袖,1964年诺贝尔和平奖得主。他的演讲 to fail among men. 使得美国人民相信种族隔离主义的不公平和不道 I fee】entilted at出is iuncture.at this time.t0 德。 claim the aid of all and to say。“Come then,let I18 2.温斯顿・丘吉尔(1874 ̄1965):英国近代史上 gO forward together with our united strength.’’ 著名的政治家,在二次世界大战盟国处于黯淡的劣 罐蔗群析 势时期,他以精辟的演讲振奋了英国人民的士气,使 他们深信终将赢得战争的胜利。 1.On last Friday evening I received from His 3.阿道夫・希特勒(1889~1945):被指为杀人魔 Majesty the mission to form a new administration. 王,却是公认的“最具有威力的演说家”。他由默默无 上星期五晚上,我奉陛下之命,组织新的一届政府。 闻到将整个德国变成疯狂的杀戮战场,凭借的就是 按照英国皇室规矩,臣民尊称国王为“陛下”,当 演讲的力量。 面应说“Your Majesty”,而国王不在场时应说“His 4.苏珊・安东尼(1820—1906):美国女权运动的 Majesty”。 领袖与组织天才,更是著名的雄辩家,为美国妇女争 2.I considered it in the public interest to suggest 取到了参政权。 to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today.为公众利益着想,我建议议长今天就召开国 5.富兰克林・罗斯福(1882~1945):任期长达十 会。 二年的美国总统,遭遇了美国历史上两件大事—— (1)在本句中,“in the public interest”是介词 三十年代的世界性经济危机和四十年代的第二次世 短语,相当于形容词作consider的宾语补足语。 界大战。而他运用自己的权力和说服力,使美国人民 (2)“suggest to sb.that…”意为“建议某人做 保持充沛的自信,顺利度过难关。 ”如: 6.弗拉基米尔・列宁(1870~1924):无产阶级革 … ・・。Teachers often suggest to US that we shou[dn’t 命领袖,其演说具有惊人的说服力。正是他号召俄国 play computer games too much. 人民起来革命,推翻沙皇统治,改变了整个世界的局势。 3.I say it is to wage War by land.sea and 7.赫塞尔(1860~1904):奥地利作家,犹太复国 air.我的回答是:在陆上、海上、空中作战。 主义运动的创始者,面对当时欧洲汹涌澎湃的“反犹 本句wage是动词,意为“开始,进行(战争,运 太人”浪潮,他力争建立犹太人自己的国家,并最终 动)等”。如: ‘ 领导以色列在中东建立家园。 No country really wants to wage a nuclear war. 8.甘地(1869~1948):毕生倡导“不合作”运动, 4.I feel entitled at this iuneture,at this time, 终为印度赢得独立。 46 
