

2024-01-09 来源:星星旅游
第27卷第3期 2010年9月 苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版) Journalof Suzhou Universityof Scienceand Technology(Natural Science) Vo1.27 No.3 Seo.2010 Controlled multiple entanglement in _ - ● molecule spin quantum systems HAO Xiang,ZANG Taocheng,PAN Tao (School of Mathematics and Physics,SUST,Suzhou 215009China) ,Abstract:The multiple enmn ̄ed states are controlled in the spin quantum systems composed of +l interacting antifer- romagnetie molecular tings.The tunable intermoleeular couplings arise from the exchange interactions between electron 。pi“ 。fⅣcircumjaeent magnets and th。se。f a central moleeular ring.The quantum dynamics of such a system is de. duced through the analysi8。f the effectiVe spin hamih。nian with anisotropic Heisenberg c。uplings..It is f0und that an en— tangJ。d W state call be generated precisely under he tcircumstance of quantum fluctuati。nsThe multiple entan ed state can als。be transferred from s。me molecular rings to。thers by the manipulati。n。f intetin。1ectdar c0upli“gs Key words:muliple entanglement;antitferromagnetic molecular ring;quantum fluctuation Chinese Library Classiication:0413;04312;O561f .Literature Label Code:A Paper Number:1672—0687(2010)03—0029—06 1 Introduction The entanglement is identiifed as a key resource for scalable quantum computation and communication[1-21. As an impo ̄ant kind of muhiqubit entangled statesthe equally weighted superposition 0f N single—spin state,,i.e., the entangled W state,has also been applied to the quantum information processing such as the Gr.over search【3J. In recent years,the theoreticaI and experimental constructions of multiqubit entangled states have been dem0n strated with very few qubits in nuclear magnetic resonance[4- ̄and trapped ions[ ̄However,this resuIt is f打awav .ti'om the scalable quantum information processing in principleFrom this point of view,signiifcant efforts have .been devoted to the study of quantum dynamics of many spins in quantum dots[7]semiconduct0rsN and mo1ecular , magnets ・ Electron spins in these solids are considered among the promising candidates for quantum infl0珊ation technology Ⅻ.Due to the range of neighboring spins in quantum dots and semiconductorsthe local control 0ver ,the electrical and magnetic field is very challengingf ¨This is becoming one main techno1ogica1 obstac1e in the .mpIementation ot quantum logic gates.In this perspective,single molecular magnets(SMMs)wi山antiferrom 一 netic interactions carl act as effective qubits【 .In comparison with quantum dots,coupled SMMs can be used to .give rise to long—distance interactions by means of the molecular and supramolecular chemistryt 41Even for the fast control requirement,the preferable electic contrrol over SMMs is also possiblet堋The proposa1 of quantum .gates has been put forward on the basis of two coupled molecular magnets such as CrNi( =3,5,7) .In the re— xcent experiment ¨ ,these molecular ingsr can be linked to each other so that he eftfective COHpling between thefn can be chemically tuned by choosing the linkerTherefore,it is very valuable to investigate the multiⅡubit entan— .glement in this quantum hardware which consists of a collection of coupled molecular magnetsIn this paper,our .2009——06——10 【收稿日期] [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10774108,10904104);江苏省高校自然科学基金资助项目(09KJB140009): 苏州科技学院科研启动项目 [作者简介】 郝翔(1981-),男,江苏南京人,讲师,博士,研究方向:量子光学。 30 苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版) 2010血 attenti0ns are focused on the general quantum systems with N anti—ferromagnetic molecular rings which are weakly coupled t0 a central m0lecular magnet.In Sec.II,for the typical example of Cr,Ni,the effective spin hamiltonian of N+l coupled molecular magnets can be obtained in the form of anisotropic Heisenberg exchange・ In Sec.III.we analyticallv give the exact quantum dynamics of the system in the single—spin sub—space.The entangled W state is generated and the muhiqubit entangled states can also be perfectly transmitted from some irngs to others by choosing the intermolecular couplings.A discussion concludes the paper. Some molecular magnetst 9l have been synthesized as suitable candidates ofr carrying the quantum informa— tion and qubit encoding.In particular.a class prototypical system of the substituted antiferromagnetic Cr.Ni rings serye as effective two—level quantum systems at low temperatures and show the long decoherence time.Here,we take into account the quantum systems of Cr Ni rings with the number of N which are weakly coupled to a cell‘ tral molecular ring Cr Ni.The hamiltonian of the quantum system can be described as H=H +He+日 (1) Here Ht and Hc are the spin hamiltonians of the ith circumjacent ring and central one respectively.According to[2Ol,the spin hamihonian of CrxNi is =∑肮・ + [ . ( J)/3】+k∑・ , ) (2) k=l#l where is the spin operator of the kth electron spin in a molecular ring,k +l describes the site of Ni substitution 川=1)and others denote the sites of Cr irons =3/2).The first item of the above equation is the dominant isotropic Heisenberg exchange with different couplings j 】 %while the second and third ones acc0unt for the anis0tropic local crystal field and the intramolecular dipolar interaction.For the experimental measurements,the intramolecular dipolar coupling is small enough to be neglected in the following context.Wiht hte idea of the local exchange between the mth electron spin in the ith circumjacent ring and the nth one in the central ring,the form ofH_吡is expressed by ^, H =∑∑ 1‘ 。mn-mi.芋c●n  (3) .i=1(爪.n) Here,the symbol of includes all possible pairs of selective linkers between two rings where(m,n)denotes one pair.At very low temperatures,all of the anitiferromagnetic molecular tings serve as effective qubits for the ground doublet states f l Oi∽),I 1 ))}with the total spin S.o)=1/2.These two degenerate states are separated from the next excited state by a large energy gap r For the weak local exchanges,the Heisenberg interaction of H缸 can be expressed by the effective molecular spin operators S咖) =∑ 争【(5 _+5 )+(I+ADS;S z(4) i=1 ] Aceording t。Ref.【1 3],the e 【elctive interiB。leeular interaeti。n ean be descirbed by 7i~∑J( i。  (1i l l o )- m.n)< and the anisotropy Ai=1一 It shows that the interactions closely depend .(∑()・(0o m,n) 1。 ’ j。  on the definite structures of the molecular tings and linkers.The recent experimentf has demonstrated that the 第3期 郝 翔等:在分子自旋量子系统中的可控多体纠缠态 effective couplings can be chemically tuned by the control of the linkers between two molecular ringsWithout .losing the generality,the controllable anisotropy is calculated for two coupling rings CrsNi with the same structure in Fig.1.It is seen that the anisotropy A can be varied with the change of the ratio of the intram0lecu1ar couplings a and local crystal field d in Fig.1(a).When the value of a is near to one,the values 0f A is increased almost linearly with b which is the ratio of the couplings of two selective linkersBy the manipulation of two Dairs .of linkers,Fig. 1(b)illustrates that the anisotropy A can also be tunable in the 1arge I・ange f om the negative value to the positive one.For the special case of A=-I,the model of H is simpliifed to be the Heisenberg XX one.If the selective exchanges f0r the linkers arrive at a critical ones b=bthe anisotropy can be rapidlv changed 。,rr。m。ne negative v ue t。a・arse positive。ne.Because。r the symmetric property[ , .s I=0, effective spin Hamihonian for N+I interacting molecular nngs can be described in the single——spin subspace of {I ),I ),…,l >,I 肌。)) 日 i)= [(Ⅳ一2)(1+△ )I )+2l )] M )=∑ 0=1 ≠i [2 一(1+△z)I )】 (5) where the basis。f the subsPace I f)=I 1f) I1 10 ).At veyr 1ow temperatuIe.s,the quantum irlf0lnnati。n c。uld be processed in this subspace.Then,the dynamics of these states can be analytically solved as follows. ∑谢 0 Figure 1 The control of the effective anisotropic couphng (a)The anisotropy A is plotted鹅functions of the ratio of the intramoleeular couplings口and local c ̄stl faield d for =17;(b)The arrisotropy A is tuned by the control of two pairs of linkers b=A“.2 or^.f2=1,Jk=17,a=0.9 and d=0.3. .3 Generation and transmission of multiqubit entangled states Our quantum memory registers will be expanded by the set of states in the single-spin subspace for low temperatures kB1≤ r The general expression of the effective Hamiho-nian H啦eaR be obtained l(I+A1)(Ⅳ-2)O ● 0 …0 2y, T2(I+A2)(Ⅳ’2) 0 2y2 H 1 : 0 YN(I+A』v)(Ⅳ_2) 2yz … 2TⅣ (6) 2TN 2yl ∑ (1+△ ) l Through the tunable exchanges J for the selective linkers,the anisotropic interactions can be controlled and 32 苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版) 2010血 satisfy yl(1+ )=C・In this c。nditi。n,we can analytically。btain the eigenstates and c。/Tesponding eigenvalues. The effective Hamihonian has N一1 degenerate states l咖 )with the same eigenva1ue Ai=C(N一2)/4 and two n。ndegerate states J咖)(, ,Ⅳ+1)with A 肝t=。}[一c±、 2一 ]where/2= .The set of all or. thonormalized eigenstates can be given by 一丁∑L  一 ): l i+l (y1 ,…,T(Yi+1,一E2,0,・・ ・,0), =夸( ~ EF, ̄Xj) 』)v,Ⅳ+1) (7) where the parameters = C(N-2) and ,YJX/ u=Ⅳ,Ⅳ+1) ̄To study h。w t。gen- erate the multiqubit entangled states,we need t。find the eV。luti。n operat。r in the single—spin subspace ^ 1 (£):∑A (£) < =1 (8) where以 'exp(一 (后≠Ⅳ'Ⅳ+1)an p(- ) F。r illustrati。n,we ch。。se tw。kind。f typical initia1 states.If the initialized state is I (0)):l +l’tlle general state at any time t is obtained by 矿∑。V  ̄(e溉卅2e舶)'(z5) :)一=∑  (m i ~ e喝-( )el a )nd+  sA=- I 1)+f/一i一 C( (以 )N- )I ̄’  (9) Here R=--1+with the phase angles 01= 等 nd = 导 Afa ce me f0r / =_+2kcr( ’l,2,… hep嘲ibilityof I 1)i er0・F。r the circuInjacentⅣsites,we need the possibility。f each It,m) is equa1 and the rati。of the effective interactions P 锵 p= 二丛Q 圭 (^L1) 巫五 (10) The actual quantum state at this time is I )=1/、/ ( ∑ )+。 )) where X is the angle phase as a function of m≠i O1・Then by means of the single—qubit phase operator at the i-th ring,we can obtain the perfect W slate.When another initial state is chosen as I 肌1),the gener ̄state at time t is expressed by = 务5 >+ f ) (11) Through the calculation of the possibilities of the eigenstates,it is f0und out tl1at the entangled W state 1 )= 1/v ̄-∑ )can be generated when the time satisfies 01+Oz=+-(2k+1) ̄r,A:一1 and .HoWever,in reaIistic quant“m。。ntr。1,cetrain fluetuati。ns from intemal and external impacts are unavoidable.To evaluate the effects of quantum fluctuation on the generati。n 0f the muhiqubit cntangled state,we c。nsider the simDlest case of N=3 under h。 ircums ance of J (0))=I 3)and 1=,,2.In acc。rdance with the above analysis,the pe如ct entangled s a e can be produced at the time£=2 Ik l1T .In regard t。the certain fluctuati。n,the effective 第3期 郝 翔等:在分子自旋量子系统中的可控多体纠缠态 33 intermolecular interactions possibly obey the relation of 3(1+A3)=C(1 )≠ l(2)(1+△1(2))=C.From Fig.2,it is seen that the error of generation E:1一I( I ̄t(t ))I is almost linearly decreased with the fluctuation parameter 6.The relation of the values Er~ISI/10 can demonstrate that the generation of the muhiqubit entangled state by this method is high enough to resist the lfuctuation to a certain extant. In solid state quantum computers,it is very necessary to investigate the quantum transport of the nmltiqubit states.Here we provide a effeient scheme of transferring L—qubit entangled states in our quantum memory registers.For low temperatures.the initial L—qubit entangled state for L≤(N一1)/2 can be expressed in the 工 single—spin subspace l (0)):∑c ,(∑ICi2I=1).By the analytical calculation,it is found。ut that the i=1 perlect quantum transfer can be achieved in the condition of 趋= =丝也i ci .%o2L=0 (12) This means that the L—qubit entangled state can be transported perfectly by the adjustment of the effective inter‘ m0lecular interactions.For an example of N=5,the transferred state is la,(o))=sin 1)+cos I 2)where the two— qubit entangled state(sinallO)1.2+cosal01)1.2)exists in two rings of i=1,2.To access the quantum transfer in this system,the fidelity at time t is used as I( (0)l (£))I transmissi0n f0r (13) it is seen that the va1ues 0f fidelity take on the periodic evolution with the time in Fig.3.The perfect quantum 1 can be realized at some time by the reasonable selection of the intermolecular couplings. £ Figure 2 The error E for the genera- t.ion of W state is plotted as a function ofthe fluctuation占for l-y.=1. Figure 3 The fidefity of he quanttum state transfer is plotted with the time for the ease ofa=w/4,Tt/y_ ̄-T]T4=1 and y ̄-0. 4 Discussion The muhiqubit entangled state can be generated by chemically tuning the effective intermolecular inter— acti0ns in the auantum systen ofⅣ十1 weakly coupled antiferromagnetic molecular ings.Thirs method can provide an imDortant entanglement source for the scalable quantum search in solids.For low temperatures,the state car- yirng quantum informati0n can be expanded in the single—spin subspace.The high precision of producing W state at N circumjacent rings can be guaranteed in the condition of a certain fluctuations.And the L—qubit entangled state can also be perfectly transferred at a series of periodic time in our quantum registers.This is also an硪‘ cient pI0.posa1 f0lr the quantum router[2 1 in which the communication can be directed between any chosen nngs・ References: [11 Nie1sen M A.Chuang I L.QuituIll Computati0n and Quantum Informati。n[M1.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,20()o [2】Bose S.Quantum c0mmunication through an unmodulated spin chain[J].Phys Rev Lett,2003,91:207901・ 苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版) 20lO年 【3】Grover L K.Quantum mechanics helps in searching for a needle in a haystackⅢ.Phys Rev Lett,1997,79:325. 【4】Chuang I L,Gemhenfeld N,Kubinee M.Experimental implementation offast quantum searchin ̄J].Phys Rev Lett,1998,80:3408. 【5】Ollerenshaw J E,Lidar D A,Kay L E.Magnetic resonanee realization of deeoherence-free quantum computationⅢ.Phys Rev Lett,2003,91: 217904. 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