我最喜爱的老师是邓秋霞老师,她是一位英语老师。在我的眼中,邓老师是我熟悉的老师中最美丽的老师。她有着一头长长的乌黑秀发和一双迷人的大眼睛,还有一张能把课讲得很生动的小嘴。 邓老师上课特别好玩,能以各种方法让我们把握必需要学习的学问。就拿“大象”的单词elephant来说吧。老师说“大象”这个单词必需要把握,而我们看着这么长一串字母都觉得很头疼。邓老师好像看出了我们的苦恼,就启发我们说:“同学们,假如我们把单词’elephant’分成几个部分,是不是就会好记许多呢?大家试一试。”听了老师的话,同学们都在下面仔细思索起来。大约过了一分钟,邓老师请同学们起来把自己的想法说出来并写在黑板上。同学们有的把单词拆分成两小节,有的分成了三小节,有的还分成了五小节。邓老师看着同学们的答案,连续启发我们:“大家都特别有创意!可是大家再想想老师教的自然拼读法呢。假如把单词分成三个小节,也就是’elephant’,是不是更符合拼读规章呢?”我们都点点头,记住了这个方法,并且很快地把这个冗杂的单词胜利地记了下来。 当然,邓老师的'本事可不止这一个。她还会让我们去讲台上扮演课文中的人物,进行角色对话,还会带着我们边做动作边学英文歌……
我爱我们的英语老师! 我最喜爱的老师英语作文2
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Miss Qin is myfavorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirtytwo yearsold. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols.
My classmates like hervery much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher.She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, shewrites good articles.
She tells us if we want to write good articles, we shouldread books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is importantfor a good teacher.
她告知我们,假如我们想好写好文章就应当尽可能的多读书。她总是很关怀我们。我认为这对一个老师是很重要的。 我最喜爱的老师 我最喜爱的老师英语作文3
My favorite teacher is Lu Wei. She taught us only two years.
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她在三班级的时候,对我们很好,常把自己的欢乐共享给我们,她给我们上动物那一单元的时候,我们把动物的玩具也带来了。3班级学习食物那一单元时,老师把吃得给我们带来了,谁回答下列问题答对了就给谁吃。联欢会的时候,教我们一种很好玩的舞蹈。 When she was in the third grade, she was very good to us and often shared her happiness with us. When she gave us the animal unit, we also brought the animal toys. In the third grade, when we were studying the unit of food, the teacher brought us food. Whoever answered the questions correctly would eat it. At the party, teach us a very interesting dance.
In the fourth grade, the teacher was strict. As long as we didnt do well, the teacher began to punish us. 陆老师我要上学校了我会回来看你的。
Miss Lu, Im going to junior high school. Ill come back to see you.
Miss Qin is myfavorite teacher。 She teaches us Chinese。 She is lovely lady in her thirty—two yearsold。 Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols。 My classmates like hervery much, because she is always kind to us。 In my view, she is
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a wise teacher。She tells us many stories to us。 It seems she knows everything。 Besides, shewrites good articles。 She tells us if we want to write good articles, we shouldread books as much as we can。 She always cares much about us。 I think this is importantfor a good teacher。
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