

2024-05-25 来源:星星旅游
/◆-.-◆。 ■ 第25卷第1期 陈 俊等 冲击电流下水泥电阻和电容器的破坏特性研究 I-  _33 ◆ - _ 2008,1(27):1—8. E14]姜艳娥,刘玲丽,姚斌,等.特种螺线管磁场分布及自 ◆ [13]藤志斌.新编实用材料手册EM].济南:山东科学技术 感系数的研究[J].云南师范大学学报,2007,27(1):32 出版社,1988. —35. The Research on Destruction Characteristics of Cement Resistors and Electrolytic Capacitors Under the Impulse Current CHEN Jun,HU Ming—zhang,YU Jian—hui,ZHOU Wen—jun (School of electrical and engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan,430072,China) Abstract:Through the experiments and theoretical analysis,the causes of explosion are obtained.The ex— plosion of cement resistor is caused by resistor winding thermal effect and electrolytic capacitance is caused by the high temperature and pressure created by Joule heating effect.The withstanding impulse current ca— pabilities of 5w/o.1Q,5W/0.5fI and 5W/1Q cement resistors are 7.77 kA,6.2O kA and 7.23 kA respec— tively.The withstanding impulse current capabilities of 25V/470,aF,16V/1000 ̄F and 400V/10/ ̄F electro— lytic capacitors are 2.99 kA,5.30 kA and 3.08 kA respectively.-These results can be used in further ap— plications of cement resistor and electrolytic capacitor. Keywords:cement resistor;electrolytic capacitor;impulse current;destruction characteristics [责任编校:张岩芳] TBBA型高压无功补偿自动调容成套装置 .-  ◆ - 新增负荷中,无功负荷电流增大了供电系统损耗,而我国目前配电网多数采用变电站固定电容器组无功补偿方式,◆-   由于缺少无功调节手段,在供电峰谷期间功率因数波动较大,出现过补和欠补问题。 ◆-  .+  襄樊大力电工有限公司生产的TBBA型高压无功补偿自动调容成套装置,使用无功自动控制器检测电网电压及功 .-  率因数,通过对电网电压和功率因数的综合判定,可控制母线上无功补偿电容的自动投切,实现平衡系统电压,◆-  提供功率 -I  _因数。减少线损,保护供电质量,解决无功过补偿和欠补偿问题。 ◆ TBBA型高压无功补偿成套装置由高压真空接触器、高压并联电容器组、电抗器、避雷器、隔离开关和一些附属设备 、-.-l 组成。按照”优先保证电压合格,实现无功平衡,尽量减少调节次数”的原则。电容器组用高压真空接触器投切。当控制 
