English: This Qingming Festival, I plan to visit my ancestor's graves to pay my respects and honor their memory. I will clean the gravesite, offer food and wine, burn incense, and leave flowers as a sign of respect. I also plan to spend time with my family, sharing stories about our ancestors and remembering the traditions they passed down to us. Additionally, I intend to participate in traditional
Qingming activities such as flying kites, wearing willow branches, and enjoying Qingming snacks like qingtuan. Overall, I look forward to celebrating this important festival with reverence and tradition.
Chinese: 清明节,我计划去祖先的坟墓上祭拜,以表达我对他们的敬意和纪念之情。我会清理坟墓,供奉食物和酒水,烧香,留下花朵以示尊重。我还计划和家人共度时光,分享关于我们祖先的故事,回忆他们传承给我们的传统。此外,我打算参加传统的清明节活动,比如放风筝,戴柳枝,享用清明小吃如青团。总的来说,我期待着以虔诚和传统的方式庆祝这个重要的节日。