ENGLISH NAME 代 码 含 义 Zero speed and underspeed dev. Distance Protction,phase 相间距离 Distance protection,ground 接地距离 Overfluxing 过励磁 Synchronism check 检同期 Undervoltage 低电压 U/f prtection 电压/频率保护 Directional power 功率方向 Forward power 正向功率保护 Reverse power 逆功率保护 Undercurrent or underpower 欠电流监测 Field failure 低励磁保护 Load unbalance,negative phase sequence 负荷不平衡保护 overcurrent 负序电流保护 Phase sequence voltage 负序过电压 Incomplete sequence,locked rotor,failure to 启动时间监视 accelerate Thermal overload 热过负荷保护 Rotor thermal protection 转子过热保护 Stator thermal protection 定子过热保护 Instantaneous overcurrent 瞬时过流保护 Instantaneous gorund fault overcurrent 瞬时零序过流保护 Ground overcurrent relay 零序过流保护 Stator ground-fault overcurrent 定子接地过流保护 Overcurrent with time delay 时限过流保护 Ground-fault overcurrent with time delay 时限零序过流保护 Overvoltage 过电压保护 Residual voltage ground-fault protection Rotor ground fault 转子接地保护 Directional overcurrent 方向过流保护 Directional ground-fault overcurrent 方向接地过流保护 Stator ground-fault,directional overcurrent 定子接地保护、方向过流保护 Out-of-step protection 失步保护 Autoreclose 自动重合闸 Frequency relay 频率保护 Carrier interface 远方跳闸 Lockout relay,start inhibit 跳闸锁定,禁止 Differential protection,generator 发电机差动保护 Differential protection,transf. 变压器差动保护 Differential protection,bus-bar 母差保护 Differential protection,motor 电动机差动保护 Differential protection,line 线路差动保护 Restricted earth-fault protection 限制性接地保护 Voltage and power directional rel. 电压及功率方向保护 Breaker failure 断路器失灵保护