

2022-05-03 来源:星星旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、It was funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the University of Auckland School of Medicine Foundation.(由新西兰健康研究委员会和奥克兰大学医学部资助。)

2、To explore that idea further, Dr Bourrat joined forces with Quentin Atkinson of the University of Auckland.(为了进一步推进研究,尼古拉与奥克兰大学的阿特金森一道展开调查。)

3、Volcanic Hazards: Auckland Volcanic Field.(火山危害:奥克兰火山地。)

4、What's your major in the university of Auckland?(您在奥克兰大学主攻的专业是什么?)

5、The study at Auckland University was undertaken by Dr Maggie Kalev and Professor Matthew During.(该研究是由奥克兰大学的麦吉?卡莱弗博士和马修·杜林教授共同开展的。)

6、Three years ago, my family and I were visiting Auckland, New Zealand, when we heard about a pig who lived on a beach.(三年前,我和家人去新西兰的奥克兰时,听到这个住在海滩上的猪的故事。)

7、On September 9th in Auckland, New Zealand, the 2011 Rugby World Cup will kick off in ferocious Pacific fashion.(2011年英式橄榄球世界杯将于9月9日在新西兰Auckland展开揭幕战,这场比赛将具有凶猛激烈的太平洋特色。)

8、For example, Newman accepts it would be hard for a city as hilly as Auckland to develop a really good rail network.(例如,纽曼承认像奥克兰那样的丘陵城市建设一个良好的铁路网将是很困难的。)

9、I lived in Auckland, New Zealand, in my own flat with my dog.(我住在新西兰的奥克兰,我与我的狗住在我自己的公寓里。)

10、Nearly a third of New Zealand's population lives in Auckland-just over one million people.(新西兰近三分之一的人口(约100多万)居住在奥克兰。)

11、Last year the top ten cities were Zurich, Geneva, Vancouver, Vienna, Auckland, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Bern and Sydney.(去年,排名前十的城市是:苏黎世,杰尼瓦,温哥华,维也纳,奥克兰,杜塞道夫,法兰克福,慕尼黑,伯尔尼,悉尼。)

12、The Auckland Museum authorities said today's event was intended to aid public understanding of and research into great white sharks.(当事的奥克兰博物馆说,今天举行这次活动,意在增加公众对大白鲨的了解,也是科学研究的一部分。)

13、On July 10, 2010, peoole flied different kinds of kite to celebrate Maori New Year in Auckland, New Zealand.(2010年7月10日,新西兰奥克兰,人们放飞风筝庆祝毛利新年。)

14、Third in the list came another Swiss city, Geneva, followed by Vancouver, Canada, and Auckland, New Zealand, in Shared fourth place.(瑞士的另一个城市日内瓦位居第三,加拿大的温哥华与新西兰的奥克兰并列第四。)

15、The shield is named after New Zealand's Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to scale Mount Everest, who died in Auckland on January 11 2008.(该奖由新西兰人爱德蒙.希拉里命名,他是首个登上珠峰的人类。2008年1月11日,希拉里于奥克兰去世。)

16、Back in Auckland, though, money was tight.(回到奥克兰,资金开始短缺。)

17、if you have a chance, do visit the auckland museum because they have the last surviving "birdman" kite on display.(如果你有机会,一定要去奥克兰博物馆,因为那里有最后一个幸存的“鸟人”风筝展览。)

18、The heart of Auckland itself.(这里是奥克兰的心脏。)

19、BioJoule, a start-up based in Auckland, New Zealand, is planning to build a pilot plant to produce ethanol from a type of willow.(位于新西兰奥克兰市的一家新起步的公司BioJoule目前正计划建造一座实验化工厂,从一种柳树中生产乙醇。)

20、In New Zealand, an unidentified toxic algae was blamed this week for causing the deaths of two dogs on beaches in Auckland.(在新西兰,一种尚未鉴别的有毒海藻被认为是造成本周奥克兰沙滩上两只狗死亡的真凶。)

21、My sister Zoe flats in Auckland.(我妹妹佐伊住在奥克兰的一栋公寓里。)

22、The man who traveled to Auckland instead of Oakland didn't feel like laughing.(这个男人去了奥克兰(新西兰港市)而不是奥克兰(美国加州西部城市),他不想笑。)

23、The University of Auckland compared 155 women who had late still-births with 310 who had healthy pregnancies.(奥克兰大学把155位后期死产的孕妇和310位孕期正常的孕妇进行了比较。)

24、Earlier today, the Auckland Museum cut open a young great white shark that had been mistakenly caught by local fishermen.(今日早些时候,奥克兰博物馆剖开了一条被当地渔民误捕的幼年大白鲨。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

