

2022-05-04 来源:星星旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Freighting merchandise is less expensive than mailing it.(运送商品比邮寄要便宜得多。)

2、Fashion that is just about merchandise always feels like a dead end.(几乎仅仅是商品的时装,总感觉像是一个死胡同。)

3、The zoo shop can do a nice line in panda-related merchandise.(动物园可以做一系列与熊猫有关的优质产业链。)

4、Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.(将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠。)

5、That means more money from television and merchandise.(这意味着从电视和专卖商品更多地获利。)

6、It is unclear how the stores procure the Apple merchandise.(目前还不清楚这些商店是如何获得苹果的商品。)

7、For a full refund, store policy is that you have to return merchandise 2 weeks from the time it was purchased.(店铺对于全额退款的规定是:您必须在购买商品后两周内退货。)

8、A really good catalogue can also whet customers' appetites for merchandise.(一份非常好的商品目录也可以激起顾客的购买欲。)

9、A merchant's merchandise were of high quality.(一个商人的商品质量很好。)

10、His last full-time job, as a merchandise buyer and product developer, ended four years ago when his employer went out of business.(他的上一份全职工作是商品采购和产品开发,四年前他的雇主倒闭了,他的工作也随之结束。)

11、Retailers can return defective merchandise.(零售商可以退回有瑕疵的商品。)

12、Here I exchanged some of my diamonds for merchandise.(在这里我把我的一些宝石当作商品进行了交易。)

13、They delivered the merchandise to us.(他们把货物送交我们。)

14、We've done market research on the merchandise.(我们针对这项商品做了一项市场调查。)

15、Today, she runs Anne Taintor Inc and pairs advertisements from the late '30s to early '50s with saucy sayings on various merchandise.(她经营安妮·泰因特公司(AnneTaintorInc.)并且将30年代末至50年代初的广告与各种商品的俗语相结合。)

16、Millions of people use it to buy and sell merchandise each year.(每年都有数以百万计的人使用它买卖商品。)

17、And all that remains of Che is the myth and the merchandise.(然后,关于格瓦拉,剩下的只有神话和买卖了。)

18、Sell higher value merchandise?(可以销售更有价值的商品吗?)

19、From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea.(货物从那里被运到地中海对岸。)

20、merchandise will be exchanged if found unsatisfactory.(包管退换。)

21、We delivered the merchandise to them.(我们把货物送交给他们。)

22、It’s impossible to avoid the Obama merchandise in the city center.(在市中心无处不见的是带有奥巴马标志的货物。)

23、It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise.(这是第一部为自己的商品做银幕植入式广告的电影。)

24、In fact, it became so valuable that it was known as white gold and spies were sent to China to discover what they did to the clay to produce such high-quality merchandise.(事实上,它变得如此珍贵,以至于被称为“白金”,间谍被派往中国,以查明他们如何处理粘土,从而生产出如此高质量的商品。)

25、Adidas is the well-known sponsor behind the World Cup ball and other soccer-related merchandise (jerseys, shorts, cleats).(阿迪达斯一直赞助者世界杯比赛和其他一些足球相关的配件(足球衫、短裤、鞋子)。)

26、Used by the demand of the merchandise.((按商品要求使用)。)

27、they are making trips to check out the merchandise on offer.(他们奔波各地,检查供售商品。)

28、Many people saw girls as simple merchandise.(很多人把女孩当作商品。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

