

2022-05-04 来源:星星旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、"gluzman was a young kiev psychiatrist who had contacts with dissident circles in his hometown," van voren told psychiatric news.(vanvoren向《精神病学新闻》介绍到“gluzman是一名年轻有为的基辅精神病学家,与其故乡的异见团体有过接触。”)

2、These range from new licensing requirements for the upload of video footage via its satellites, to quiet warnings to media owners to mute dissident voices.(这些手段包括新的通过卫星上传视频的许可证准入制度,并且警告媒体拥有这净化反对的声音。)

3、The atmosphere became even more difficult when a group of dissident directors were put into the board mix.(当一个异议者混进了董事会,这种情况变得更加艰难。)

4、He begins to plot in various ways with dissident Boyars.(他开始通过各种途径和保守派贵族们进行密谋。)

5、The result was the suppression of dissident points of view on whether or not a drug was safe.(结果就是在药品是否安全问题上压制不同意见。)

6、Around 100 are in jail in Northern Ireland and the Republic, convicted of dissident offences or awaiting trial suspected of them.(目前约有100多人因为犯袭警罪或涉嫌袭警,被关押在北爱和爱尔兰的监狱里。)

7、But that is what has happened after an unknown gunman tried to kill a dissident Rwandan general on June 19th.(但这就是在6月19号一名身份不明持枪男子试图杀害一位卢旺达反对派将领之后发生的。)

8、As to what motivates them, a dissident spokesman provided a clue last month in a rare interview with a Belfast paper, the Irish News.(这些人的动机到底是什么呢?从贝尔法斯特报纸《爱尔兰新闻》对异见派发言人罕见的一次采访中可见一斑。)

9、As a dissident, they are unpopular in the legislation and fed up with the pressure of public opinion.(作为异议者是不受欢迎的,要饱受舆论的压力。)

10、In April the dissident network will hold its first conference in Vancouver.(今年4月,保守派将在温哥华召开第一次会议。)

11、A PRESS junket for British journalists has annoyed the dissident intelligentsia of Damascus.(一场面向英国记者的媒体招待会惹恼了大马士革的异议知识分子。)

12、There were many dissident elements in the population.(人民间尚存有许多意见不合的分子。)

13、In past years, she was the undisputed leader of Myanmar's dissident movement, which exerted significant influence in Washington and other Western capitals.(在过去的年代里,她是缅甸不同政见运动无可争议的领导人,在华盛顿和其他西方首都发挥着充分的影响力。)

14、Lawyers for a Vietnamese dissident have challenged his seven-year jail sentence, saying the judges broke the law by refusing to make all the evidence public.(越南一名异见分子的律师向法官判决的七年的监禁提出挑战,称法官违反了法律规定,没有将所有证据公开。)

15、dissident creditor Carl Icahn agreed to support MGM's restructuring after the studio made several changes to its reorganization plan.(持不同意见的债权人伊坎(CarlIcahn)在米高梅对重组方案做了数次改动后同意支持该公司重组。)

16、The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge also has a long history, dating back to the days when Cambridge was founded by dissident scholars from Oxford.(而牛津和剑桥之争也历史悠久,这要追溯到剑桥是由从牛津分离出来的学者所创立的时日。)

17、In a test vote of CDU and CSU deputies yesterday, 11 opposed expanding the EFSF and two abstained (another dissident did not show up).(在昨天CDU和CSU的代表模拟投票中,有11人反对扩展EFSF,两人弃权(还有一位反对者没有出席)。)

18、The request for exfiltration was a ruse, and the promised documentation and purported contact with a local dissident leader were merely bait.(要求空中接人只不过是一个诡计,所谓的文件和与当地反对派领导人的联络都是诱饵。)

19、Modern conservatism began as a movement of dissident intellectuals.(现代保守主义滥觞于异议知识分子运动。)

20、Esra’a Al Shafei is the 24-year-old activist behind MideastYouth.com, an online watering hole where dissident voices can find direction, purpose and support.(埃尔森·埃尔·沙菲是MideastYouth.com网站背后的24岁社会活动家。该网站是一家为异议声音找到方向、目的和后援的网上酒吧。)

21、Others in the island's small dissident movement threaten to follow.(岛内的其他异见分子也似乎会有所跟进。)

22、The one dissident who could probably recast this debate is Miss Suu Kyi, the international face of principled resistance to military rule.(正是昂山季素,一位主张有纪律地反抗缅甸军事统治的国际知名人士或许能再次发起对本次选举的辨论。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

